Eartec HUB Mini-Base w/ Rechargeable Lithium Battery
$1,027.00 (excl. GST)
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The HUB is a wearable Mini Base that expands the capacity of UltraLITE wireless headsets to 9 users (up to 17 with interlink & addt'l HUB).
The compact transceiver weighs only 9 oz. and can either be placed strategically "on location" or belt worn.
When clipped comfortably to the user's waist the HUB moves seamlessly with the group allowing UltraLITE headsets to remain connected in full duplex.
Key Features:
• Full duplex for up to 9 ultralight units
• 1/4 mile range in all directions
• 2 channels of communication
• To formulate your complete HUB intercom select 1 HUB and the UltraLITE dual or single headsets that you prefer, along with plug-in headset if required.